For Women Only!
Okay so I read this quote the other day and it was so great that I wanted to share it with you! Of course I will have to comment also!
" I find it amazing that a woman would marry a man and then complain because he continues to act like one"! - Created to be His Help Meet, Debi Pearl
I love this statement! Because it is so true! We begin at a young age dreaming of the man we are going to marry. What will he look like? What will he do? What will his name be? What will our kids look like? What will I wear on my wedding day?! Then we begin the search for the perfect man. We may search long and hard or it may be a short and sweet search. When we find the perfect man, we are overjoyed! Life will begin now!
A short time into the marriage, reality hits! ( the time will be different for everyone!) He is not what I expected! I thought he was the perfect man and now I found out he is just a man?
EXACTLY!!!! He is a man. The man you dreamed of your entire life so quit your complaining! I do get tired of wives who want their husbands to be more like a woman, sharing emotions, being touchy feely, domestic, able to multi-task, care about colors and decorating. OR WHATEVER! You married a man and that is what he is.
Celebrate today the man God created and gave to you!