Thursday, February 28, 2008


We wanted to share with you some very big news. We have a couple of really cool media opportunities coming up in March:

March 18 Focus on the Family

March 25 Life Today with James Robison

While we know these interviews are not the “end all be all” we do feel honored and humbled by the opportunity. THANKS to you all for helping make these happen.

I’d like to share how God has worked in this process. Earlier this month I turned down two youth engagements I’d normally say yes to because we feel God wants our focus on marriage ministry at this point. The next day we got the call from James Robison.

Monday I said to Laura…I really need to back off the PGA chaplain gig so I can further focus on marriage ministry. This morning I was on the phone with Ben from FCA Golf letting him know our decision and while I’m on the phone with Ben we get the call from Focus on the Family.

Wow~ Thanks again to all of you and your part in this ministry. You BLESS US!

Jay & Laura~

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most!

After a long weekend of travel, Laura, Grace and I went to watch Torrey play a Men's church league basketball game last night. It's really quite fun. I used to play and coach our Men's church league team, then I gave up drinking, smoking cussing and swearing :-) It is amazing how the competitive juices come out even among Christian brothers!

Anyway, last night we watched our Alma 1st Church of God team defeat a scrappy Forrest Hill Church of Christ team. Torrey hit a crucial 3 point shot with less than 2 minutes left in the game that put us up for good!

As we bundled up to leave the game, I began frantically searching my various pockets for the keys to the car. I couldn't find them ANYWHERE! I had sat in a couple of different seats talking with different friends during the game so I began searching everywhere. Being the quiet diminutive type, I soon had the entire gym full of people looking for my keys that I was SURE had fallen out of my sweat pants pocket.

In a final act of desperation, I thought I'd look out in the car (but SERIOUSLY who would leave the keys in the CAR?) That would be me! Wow did I feel old, absentminded and STUPID. In know we live in a small town, but leaving keys in the car for anyone to find is not too smart. Age sure has a way of humbling us all...

So of all the things you've you miss your mind the most?



Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Gerty saved our marriage!

As you know, Laura and I travel together A LOT! And as with most married couples there are often discussions in the car about silly things like directions and the best way to get here or there...For us traveling in new towns and cities these silly "discussions" can often lead to major disagreements!

So...last week I spent $200 and bought a portable Garmin GPS system for us to take on the road...simply plug in the address and "Gerty the Garmin" as we've named her will give you turn by turn directions, in her pleasant little voice. She will even tell you your expected arrival's WONDERFUL!

Truly "Gerty" has saved our marriage from numerous unnecessary arguments! Now I just have to get past the fact that a WOMAN is still telling me how to DRIVE!

oh well :-)


Monday, February 18, 2008

You just can't make this up!

Okay so people always ask us if the funny stories we tell on stage are really true? Look people you can't make this stuff up!

Saturday, I was out running errands and Jay called me on my cell. When I returned home, He went out to run his errands. While he was gone, Grace and I decided we needed him to pick us up some groceries so we could do some baking. So I picked up my cell phone and simply hit the "JAY" number that he had called me on earlier, assuming it was his cell.

As I am calling him, my home phone rings.Dilemma! Do I hang up before Jay answers and answer the home phone or do I simply let the home phone ring? I hung up on Jay and answered the home phone- I couldn't believe it, the person had hung up! All I got was a dial tone! Maddening!

So I called Jay back. Again my home phone rings! I don't recognize the caller id phone number and it says "out of area", but I hang up on Jay again because he is not answering anyway and again the home phone is nothing but a dial tone!

Now, I am about ready to scream! So I wait a few minutes to give Jay time to see I have called his cell. I dial him again and what do you think happens? My home phone rings again! Now this time I am going to give this person a piece of my mind! So once again I hang up on Jay and answer the home- again dial tone!!!

Well, needless to say I did this one more time before I realized as you probably already have that I was dialing my home phone the entire time I thought I was dialing Jay's cell! I was hanging up on myself! I was the person I was going to give a piece of my mind too...somehow a piece of my mind does not sound very promising right now!

See, we just can't make this stuff up!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here's hoping you and your loved ones enjoy a GREAT day of LOVE!

We just returned from a live radio remote in Williamston MI with our friends at Family Life Radio. Laura and I have literally been on air all day with 6 different radio stations from FL to CO and many states in between.

As we were wrapping up our time live with WUGN Peter Brooks interviewed "Martha" who is 35 and has only been a Christian for 5 years. When she heard our names mentioned throughout the day, she felt like she just had to call see we met Martha 20 years ago when we were Youth for Christ leaders here in Central Michigan.

Martha said that while she had only been a believer for 5 years that the "seeds of her faith" were planted when she was 14 and went on a trip with us and YFC.

NEVER underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives, even if it's 20 years down the road. Be faithful in your witness and let God do the rest.

We never imagined such a great Valentine gift would be ours today!


Jay & Laura

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Honey...It's London Calling

I know the world is shrinking faster than ever, but the coolest thing just happened!

Laura and I have been promoting our new book The Spark since it's release January 15th by hitting the road for our Ultimate Date Night show and conducting countless radio and television interviews.

Today, we were interviewed Live on Premiere Radio in London England. It was the wildest thing chatting with the hosts who's accent was so FUN and realizing that we were impacting couples half way around the globe!

Our first four book tour Ultimate Date Nights were "Sold Out" and the response has been terrific! We'd love to see you at one of our upcoming events go to: clik here to find a show near you!



Thursday, February 07, 2008

Snowed IN!

We are officially "SNOWED IN" here at Celebrate! We've received over 12 inches of fresh snow in the last 24 hours...coupled with 30 mile an hour winds, you can imagine it was close to a "White out!"

So today is filled with kids out of school, Torrey gripping about shoveling (I'm SO glad we have teenager in the house!) and Laura and I getting ready for another weekend of Ultimate Date Nights.

For those of you who don't know we are on a bit of a "Book Tour" promoting our new book The Spark now through March, conducting a series of "Ultimate Date Nights" music, comedy and fun for couples. We "sold out" two shows last weekend in Alpena and Alma and this weekend we have two more "SELL OUTS" in Charlotte and Winston-Salem, NC. For a listing of future shows near you click here.

If you think of us, breathe a prayer over the next two months for our travels, our kids and my sister and parents who are helping with the kids!



Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Evan Almighty Was Right!

Last week we had a family movie night. We told Torrey and Grace to go together and pick out a movie that we would all enjoy. They came home with Evan Almighty. It was great movie! I would highly recommend it!

The premise of the movie is that Evan is a new senator and wants to change the world. He prays and asks God to help him do just that. His wife on the other hand, prays that God will bring them closer together as a family, as a result of this new senatorial job.

In the course of a conversation, this question is asked, "Will God just make us closer as a family or will He give us opportunity to become closer as a family?" It was a great question, but I did not pay much heed to it at the time.

So now you are up to speed....

Our Grace tends to think that the world revolves around her! She is the typical baby of the family and we have enabled that! Well life as she has known it is over!! This new strategy on Jay and I's part has created much complaining from Grace! GO FIGURE!! Last night was nothing new. Dinner complaining! "The meat is too tough!" "I can't chew it!" All the complaining led to some consequences she was not happy with.

When it came to bed time and prayer time, She and I said our prayers and specifically prayed for her to be able to realize that she is not a baby any longer. After we were done, Grace asked," do you think Evan Almighty was right." I was perplexed as to exactly what she was talking about so I replied, " about what?" To which she responded, " Well I need to stop complaining. I prayed and asked God to make me stop complaining. Do you think He will just make me stop or is He going to give me opportunities to stop? Is He going to give me opportunities where I would normally complain and see if I can not complain!"

I told her Evan Almighty was right!

Today she is looking for those opportunities where she normally complains and see if she can not!

Monday, February 04, 2008

My Funniest Super Bowl EVER!

Laura and I chose to watch the Super Bowl just the two of us last night. After back to back shows in Alpena and Alma, we were a bit torched and didn't feel like going to a party. So, we donned the sweat pants and poured some Diet Dew and watched a great game with some really LAME commercials.

I don't remember when, but at one point I said to Laura, did you see the move that guy made out there? The defender "lost his jock strap!". Now for those of you who don't follow sports "lost his jock strap" is simply a phrase one uses when describing a man who really got faked out...anyway

Laura replied, "Is that what I saw laying in the middle of the field?" I just looked at her and shook my head with a grin of unbelief on my face. Realizing how dizzy her remark was, we both broke out in outright laughter. I said that would be quite a feat to see wouldn't it? It's not as funny in print as it was at the time, but needless to say we laughed the rest of the night anytime there was a good play!

Hope your team won!

Jay & Laura

Friday, February 01, 2008

Reality Check

Today is REALITY CHECK day. We basked in the after-glow of the cruise for as long as we could. Today however the cold harsh snowy reality of Michigan is upon us.

The kids are out of school, there are times I can't see my neighbors house across the street and in an hour Laura and I have to drive to Alpena Michigan for an Ultimate Date Night!

We're excited as we head to Alpena, just a bit nervous about the weather. The response to our Ultimate Date Nights has been PHENOMENAL. Three of our first four shows are at or nearly "SOLD OUT!"

Our "UDN's" are really a great concept. Music, Comedy and fun for couples. For $15 (the price of a movie) a couple can laugh, engage each other and walk away remembering why they fell in love in the first place. It's a great way to inspire couples to CELEBRATE!

Hope to see you all at one soon!


Jay & Laura