Yesterday we took Grace to Spring Hill for a week of Camp Classic "Creative". Which is a typical week of summer camp with an emphasis on dance, music, arts and crafts. Grace will be in heaven! While she was a bit nervous about meeting new friends, she couldn't make us leave fast enough once she met her counselor and cabin mates.
It is always fun to see the Spring Hill staff. We are particularly excited about our joint venture with Spring Hill Celebrate Your Family this December.
We were talking with Spring Hill staff member Mike Krick and he was asking if Laura was nervous about Grace being away...HA! The look on Laura's face must have been classic, because Mike said..."Oh, I get it, there are "helicopter moms" then there's Laura!"
How TRUE! Our kids are blessed with a mom who loves them dearly, but has really done a great job of letting them grow up! Never one to "hover" Laura guides and directs but understands our job as parents is to continually "nudge" them out of the nest!