Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The importance of TOUCH

Our Gracie has been sick with a fever for the last couple of days and with a conference coming up FRIDAY in Lansing, I (Jay) have been a bit paranoid about germs (Laura is only paranoid about bridges over water...I on the other hand have much paranoia). We've been washing sheets and blankets, disinfecting everything she lays her hands on and basically avoiding all contact with her.

Last night she was crying because she hadn't gotten a "real hug" in that point I put the paranoia behind and gave Gracie a "big daddy bear hug". Then promptly took a scalding hot shower!

It did get me thinking of how important touch is to EVERY human being. This is especially true in marriage. Studies show that women in particular need 7 (seven) significant non-sexual touches a day in order to feel loved. As a man, there is little I enjoy more than sitting next to my wife and holding her hand.

So...where's your touch meter today? Have you gotten your recommended daily requirements?


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately our touch meter is struggling this week. We both have demanding jobs and with 3 great kids it takes a lot of effort to keep our touch meter reading high. We seem to struggle for a week or so every month when my wife deals with those dreaded womon issues. Most of the time during the other 20 days of the month our touch meter is pretty high. I wish I could figure out how to make my beautiful wife feel affectionate during this time, even though sexual intimacy is out. Pray for us, this is definitely on challenge we have to work on.

Mrs. Bloomsbury said...

Why does my husband come and touch me (non sexually) whenever I am in the kitchen handling a sharp knife or a pot of boiling water? It's very distracting. I suspect it's because I'm too busy to be able to reciprocate (and probably smother him!). Anyway, thought I would share in case there's anyone else out there who can relate!