Friday, February 16, 2007

The toughest best thing...

Last night as an extension of Valentines day, our couples small group did an excercise that was extrememly tough but was so cool. We prayed out loud, thanking the Lord for the character qualities of our spouse.

It was tough (ok especially as a man)to verbalize the things that God has blessed me with in the character of Laura without getting too emotional. It was tough because it is easier to see the iritating or annoying things in her character. It was tough because I'm basically a WIMP!

It was the BEST, because their is NOTHINGthat will endear you to your spouse like publically lifting them before the Father. It was the best because it reminded me of the blessing I have been given. It was the best because Laura thanked God for my SEXY SEXY body (NO LIE)!

What are your thoughts on praying with and for your spouse?


Anonymous said...

Awesome because it does humble and encourage the one praying as well as the one being prayed for. Verbalizing to the One you love about the one you love is most often overwhelming. What's really cool is that He hears and answers!

Anonymous said...

I've been praying with my wife at bedtime since 1998. I don't really remember who encouraged me to do it, but I do remember the emotions that went along with that "1ST TIME". I was more nervous than my "first kiss". It was silly, but I remember my throat getting dry and my palms feeling sweaty. Well, I survived, and can I say, that it was way more intimate than that "1st kiss". Praying to God together is usually how we end our day.(USUALLY). We praise our God (together). We come to Him with repentant hearts(together). We thank our Lord for all the wonderful blessings He's given US (together). And then we open up OUR hearts to Him and ask, and ask, and ask. God already knows what is on my heart, but my wife doesn't sometimes. As we pray to God, we are also opening up our hearts to each other.
If you're wondering about those nights when we would just as soon strangle each other as crawl in bed together, that never happens in my home!....No, just kidding. Of course we have those nights. And I'm ashamed to say, that on some of those nights, we don't go to the Lord together with our prayers.........and on those nights, I feel so far from, not only my wife, but from God.
But when I'm willing to swallow my pride and anger and put aside whatever is bothering me, and reach over under the covers and squeeze her hand (that's how we pray together), and start talking to God, He not only hears our prayers, but will start healing our hurts. It's hard for me to go to the Lord in prayer, and stay angry (as angry) at my wife. I'm not saying our prayer life together is close to perfect, but it is SO much better than doing it alone. Praying together is, to me, much more intimate than making love ( I'm NOT saying that making love isn't cool/great/incredible, okay...It IS.)
Praying together is here to stay in my mariage. Men, if you don't change anything else in your marriage, make this one change. I believe your relationship will grow between both God and your wife.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have been praying in the morning before he would leave for work ... but I have LONGED to pray together at night, before going to sleep. Thank you for the encouragement AND openness about how the Lord has encouraged you in your prayer life together. I'm going to lovingly suggest we give it a try tonight ... and I can vouch for more intimacy between one another, ESPECIALLY when you LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART, SOUL, AND MIND .... more so than your spouse! Getting things in the right order makes for an AMAZING DEPTH of intimacy. Our Father created us to experience that ... and it's AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I pray together everyday. It helps to verbalize our thoughts about the day ahead and gives opportunity to pray for each other. It is a great way to keep our relationship with God and each other on the right track.

Debbie said...

My husband and I met online in a Christian chat room and we prayed together every night (we were 3000 miles apart at the time) about our relationship, our families, etc. He is now gone from home most of the time (he is an over the road truck driver) and we talk constantly we don't often pray together anymore. We make the committment but things get in the way or our conversations are cut short because of lost cell phone signals, etc. Thanks for the reminder and maybe we can start again. I DO know that he prays for me daily and I for him but it isn't the same as praying together.

Anonymous said...

This (praying out loud for your spouse--mentioning positive character traits) is a GREAT reminder to all us marrieds. It is a blessing to pray together. I find out more of what my husband is really thinking!