Thursday, May 10, 2007

A rare moment

It's 8:15pm and the sun is setting on a PERFECT Michigan day. Sunny, 75 degrees, gentle breeze, no humidity, perfect.

We had dinner on the patio, then Laura and Grace left for a birthday party. Torrey had homework and I found myself with about 45 minutes and nothing to I said, a rare moment.

I sauntered over to the hammock which sits on our patio and decided I was going to "do" nothing! I watched the clouds, closed my eyes a couple of times, listened to the birds.

I saw a jet high in the sky leaving a trail against the blue and was reminded of the only part of my job I really don't like...TRAVEL. Most every part of my job is great, but travel can be a real pain. The sight of that jet and my mind was off racing about this that and the other...about the troubles and challenges that come with life in ministry and I knew I was about to fall into a wallow of self pity.

At that moment, a bird flew overhead, one of it's feathers fell from it's wing and I watched it drift slowly to the ground. I was reminded that my Lord Jesus knew that bird lost it's wing. That his "eye was on the sparrow" and that HE knows and cares about my (and your) troubles and challenges.

In that rare moment I found peace...may you find it too!


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