Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Marriage is hard work!

Not that this statement is news to any one that is married! Today alone, without discussing my own marriage, I have talked with over 5 different people concerning their marriages and the struggles as human beings we have living with another human being! I won't even go into my own marriage and the struggle I have putting undue expectations on myself to be the perfect wife and mother!

So if we all stink at marriage, and we can all acknowledge that, why do we give the media attention to those poor celebrities whose marriages stink too??? Just because they are in the limelight, why does that give the media any right to point out the faults in their relationships? I don't think it does! Nor should we find pleasure in the fact that their marriages are not any different than our own.

So that is my two cents!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura!
Oh, I agree with you!!

Praying all goes well at the conferences this this Sunday-Tuesday.
Wish that Dan and I could have made it.
Hugs & Prayers