The most fun for me was dining with the folks. There is just something about eating and talking that just makes for great memories.
I do have to tell you that one thing I have told Jay is that on these cruises I will try things like snorkeling. Things that scare me but I know I can do if I just will try. Well, this cruise I tried para-sailing! It was so awesome to be hanging up above the water and relax and enjoy the ride!
Relax today and enjoy the ride the Lord is taking you on!
great week
Its coldhere in WV...I want to go back...right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for new things...I went scuba diving. I was scared because beathing under water is NOT normal. But it was the most AWESOME thing I think I have ever done.
Glad you guys had a great time! Wish we could have gone.
Looking forward to Saturday night, praying snow doesn't cause any problems!!
See you soon.
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