Every mother comes to a point of realization that her children are growing up! Maybe it is when you move from diapers to big kid pants? Or maybe when they go to kindergarten for the first time? Or maybe when they go on their first date!?!?
I must be a slow learner! Torrey is in his senior year of high school and for some reason it is just now dawning on me that he is growing up! I think the realization that he will be leaving is just hitting home. I am a blubbering mom on any given day at any given event!
Last night was no different! We had parent's night at our youth group. Seems harmless enough and not necessairly a place for me to let the tears flow! But alas....
Torrey is a the leader of the the Youth Worship band and as they were leading us in worship last night I was overcome with the realization that not only was he going to be leaving us next year but what a fine young man he had become! I would like to take credit for it but since it seemed to happen in the blink of an eye...? I stood and watched himn sing and play guitar not only in front a large group of his peers but their parents as well. I was over come with emotion to the point that I could not sing! I was also aware that we do the best we can and thankfully the Lord is in charge! Jesus has made Torrey into the wonderfully talented young man he is!
I have a feeling it is going to be a long year for this mama! I will survive, but I think many tears will be shed and that is okay!
Hug your kids today! (for me!)
neat story, jay.. thanks for sharing. i'll try and make sure evan stay small for a long time :)
Hey - just found your blog! Will see you on Mackinaw Island Monday & Tuesday! We have been married 43 years buy I am bringing my wife just to get her "fine tuned". Check out Papa's blog at: choicesrmine.blogspot.com.
God Bless!!
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