Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A new connection!

Okay so I just got done spending too much time on Facebook! Now I know for some of you out there Facebook is a scary thing! But let me tell you, I am having a riot on it! I know the arguement out there that says it is a way to disconnect from real human contact but here is the deal...I am connecting with people that I have not connected with in years!

Former Campus Life kids that have grown up into adults that are raising families and actually remember some of what they learned in Campus Life! A beautiful young mother who was in a grief group I lead while she was in high school who is now helping young children deal with grief in their lives. Friends from college that live so far away that if it was not for Facebook I would not even know where they live or what they are doing. Friends that have been a part of my adult life that have moved away and we can stay connected online. Childhood friends that literally live on the otherside of the country yet we can talk everyday! Friends in my life now, that I do get to see more regularly but we can connect on FB at any given moment.

Facebook is a way to connect and to reconnect. It has truly been a blessing in this Facebookers life. Try it and if you do- friend me so we can stay connected!


Debbie said...

I found Laura and several Jay's. I hope I picked the right Jay for a friend.

Kelley said...

I LOVE Facebook! It has been a great way to share thoughts, prayer concerns, ideas, celebrations, etc. with old and new friends.