Saturday, January 10, 2009

Making the MOST of time

A few incidents have collided in a 24 hour stretch that have me thinking about how quickly time passes...Selling Tickets at the last home AHS basketball game that we will share with Torrey. A memorial service for a man who has been a stalwart in our community. Grace's first "official" swim meet.

Often we can't WAIT for: Christmas, birthdays, vacations, etc. We hope time passes quickly so we can experience the upcoming event. Other times we wish time would stand still and never arrive: That dreaded dentist appointment, April 15th or children leaving home.

One constant about time is that it keeps moving. The only time we have is the present time, so today choose to live in the present. Don't cling to failures of the past and rest assured in the One who holds the future.

Gotta go, TIME for the memorial.


1 comment:

Deane Christianson said...

You are absolutely correct... we need to celebrate each and every day that the Lord gives us. Each and every moment is precious and too often we squander our lives away. You preach it!!!!!