So I have a really bad habit of planting myself everynight in my chair. I get all comfy and cozy under my "woobie" (which is laura verbage for blanket). THEN I WAIT!
For what? you may ask...I wait for Torrey to move. When he moves to stand up for any reason, I politely ask him to get me "something" - it may be a piece of candy, a kleenex, a magazine....it could be anything.
My point is this...I purposely wait until he moves before I need something. I actually think it through! I am awful! I may need a kleenex right now but if Torrey is not moving I wait as opposed to getting up myself and getting it when I need it! That would mean I would have to get up from under my cozy woobie and move!
Well,he figured me out! Last night, when he moved to stand up; I needed chocolate! I asked in that polite loving mommy voice, "T, would you get me a piece of chocolate while you're up?" He laughed, and responded, "you mean instead of you getting up and getting yourself some chocolate? How long have you wanted chocolate mother? Did the hunger hit you right when I stood up?"
Dang, that kid! I then responded with, "look I gave birth to you! Do you think it would be too much trouble to get me a piece of chocolate!?" He laughed again.
"Mother, I never thought you would stoop to using the birth guilt card!"
I did...I am not proud of it...but...
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