What an amazing 10 days! It would be very difficult to put into one blog posting! So be prepared...it will be the subject of many blogs to come!:-)
I do not know how many of you have read the book, The Shack, but Jay and I have read it several times now. In the book, the character ascribed to God is Papa. Papa is an African woman. We met Papa in Africa! Her name is Hilda.
Hilda shared her story with us... She shared with passion and faith in the God she loves and serves! She lost her husband to HIV and has four children. She volunteers in the Compassion project chairing the committee that assists in HIV education and positive living for those who are infected with this terrible disease. She is an amazing woman. As she shared her story with us, Jay simply raised his hand and asked her how we could pray for her, specifically. Her response was this...."simply mention my name, He knows me, and He knows my needs."
WOW!!!! Can we all say this? Do we approach the throne of God with a "wish list"? I know that I do! This woman who lives in a slum and works with men, women, and children infected with HIV everyday, does not offer a wish list, but knows that God will do exactly what needs to be done to meet her needs each and every day.
Walk today believing that the God of Heaven and Earth will meet you on the journey and take care of your needs in ways that you will never be able to imagine!
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