Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas America?

During the last presidential election, I was told that abortion is an every four year issue...well it's not for us. The following is a note we received from our friends Matt & Sue Stack that we feel is timely and poignant.

How Ironic,

Today, many in our nation celebrate, what is for us, the most Holy of days. We believe tonight is the night when our Creator worked His greatest miracle, His greatest act of love and mercy. Tonight is the night when God gave us the gift of his only Son, the Christ Child. Jesus was more than a leader…. more than a teacher… more than a guide. Jesus was a sacrifice. His ultimate purpose was to shed His blood so that we could be reconciled to the one true God.

Yet in our arrogant and foolish hearts, we think we can do better. Daily in this country, hundreds (thousands?) of babies are sacrificed so we can pursue our false gods of selfishness, sexual pleasure, control and career “success”. And in their omnipotence, our Senate leaders just pass a bill which likely will include tax payer funding for this, our generations holocaust.

God already sacrificed a baby…His only Child… the only baby whose blood can save us. For our Senate “leaders” to choose this day, this most Holy of days, to facilitate the sacrifice of babies whose blood can do nothing…

This far exceeds irony…. This is blasphemy.

Thanks Matt & Sue!

Merry Christmas to all!

Jay & Laura~

1 comment:

Chic Cottage Junk said...

Wow, I never quite looked at abortion quite like this before and I'm glad to be re-educated. God Bless!
