Thursday, February 18, 2010

In light of Tiger's news conference

This article is used with permission from Walden Counseling.

Increasing sexual provocation in our society has spawned an increase in the number of individuals engaging in a variety of unusual or illicit sexual practices, such as multiple affairs outside of a committed relationship, phone sex, the use of escort services, and computer pornography.
More and more we are seeing illicit sexual practices in the news from prominent figures; sport's heroes and politicians.

We will also see more and more of these individuals and their partners are seeking help.

When it comes to illicit sex offenders...society has begun to accept that they act not for sexual gratification, but rather out of a disturbed need for power, dominance, control or revenge, or a perverted expression of anger.More recently, however, an awareness of brain changes and brain reward associated with sexual behavior has led us to understand that there are also powerful sexual drives that motivate sex offenses.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders, Volume Four describes sex addiction, under the category “Sexual Disorders Not Otherwise Specified,” as “distress about a pattern of repeated sexual relationships involving a succession of lovers who are experienced by the individual only as things to be used.” According to the manual, sex addiction also involves “compulsive searching for multiple partners, compulsive fixation on an unattainable partner, compulsive masturbation, compulsive love relationships and compulsive sexuality in a relationship.”

Compulsive sexual behavior symptoms vary in type and severity. Some signs that you may be struggling with compulsive sexual behavior include:

* Your sexual impulses are intense and feel as if they're beyond your control.
* Even though you feel driven to engage in certain sexual behavior, you may or may not find the activity a source of pleasure or satisfaction.
* You use compulsive sexual behavior as an escape from other problems, such as loneliness, depression, anxiety or stress.
* You continue to engage in risky sexual behavior despite serious consequences, such as the potential for getting or giving someone else a sexually transmitted disease, the loss of important relationships, trouble at work or legal problems.
* You have trouble establishing and maintaining emotional closeness, even if you're married or in a committed relationship.

There's a broad range of sexual activities that can be warning signs of compulsive sexual behavior. Examples include:

* Having multiple sexual partners or extramarital affairs
* Having sex with anonymous partners or prostitutes
* Avoiding emotional involvement in sexual relationships
* Using commercial sexually explicit phone and Internet services
* Engaging in excessive masturbation
* Frequently using pornographic materials
* Engaging in masochistic or sadistic sex
* Exhibitionism
* Having a fixation on an unattainable sex partner

If you are interested in learning informative, sourced- site for further explanation on the characteristics of compulsive sexual behavior go to:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. I am going through a divorce because -he- stepped out on me and our relationship. It helps to read articles like this and know that many other people are going through this as well.