Saturday, June 02, 2007

I'm Home Improvement Impaired!!!!!

I often look forward to actually having a Saturday here and there where I am not on the road. Spending time with Laura and the kids. Playing a round of golf, or just relaxing.

Today however I was once again reminded by my Creator that I am HOME IMPROVEMENT IMPAIRED! I had a list of 6 simple chores to do around the house today...simple things like fix a broken chair, put salt in the water softener, clean the dogwood out of the airconditioning know simple tasks that would take a normal human about 90 minutes to complete.

Me? FOUR hours later I am sitting down at the computer to vent my frustration at things like bolts that won't turn, softner salt spilled all over the floor. And a chair that when finally fixed has scratches all over the arms.

I don't know what the Apostle Paul's "thorn in the flesh" was...but I know mine...ANYTHING that requires mechanical ability!

So...what's your "thorn in the flesh"?

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