Monday, June 25, 2007

Teenage Fun!

It's nice to be known as the "cool" parents. Before school ended Torrey asked if he could have some friends over for a cookout and some fun in our pond. "Of course", we said, but asked "do you really think your friends will even GET in the pond?"

You see we share a pond with 4 other back yards. There are fish in our pond and of course frogs and turtles. It is however a POND with mucky bottom and scum on the top. Last summer Torrey and some friends tied a rope on a tree next to the pond and would swoop out over the pond and splash in for some refreshing excitement.

The night of the POND PARTY came and dozens of teens came by, eating hotdogs chips and drinking Mt. Dew. They literally spent 4 hours in and around that pond. Rope swing, skim boards, boogie boards and floaties were all used to create a night of memories.

When we sent them all home at 11 pm. Torrey came inside nodding his head..."YEP", he said, "it's official, you are the coolest parents...just don't let it go to your head!"

Life with teens is challenging. Tells us ways you stay connected to the teens in your world...


Jay & Laura

To see a video of the fun check out the video on the right!

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