Monday, November 12, 2007

Does he listen?!?!

So the other day Jay and I were having conversation and I used the word "tump" when refering to something being knocked over. "Careful or that will tump over." Jay began to laugh excessively! He just kept repeating "tump? What kind of word is that?"

Tump is in between tip and dump. Sometimes tip is not strong enough and dump is too strong! I grew up in the south and tump was a word I used often. But here is the kicker...I have used it my entire life! Including the last 22 years and 26 days of my married life!

The question begged to be asked,"If you have never heard me say 'tump' then have you been listening at all?1?"


1 comment:

Jay and Laura said...

we've actually been married 22 years 339 days :-) Love you "Tumpy" Our 23rd anniversary is in 26 days!