Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A new kind of seminary?

I try to read books that stretch my thinking and that I might not always agree is an excerpt from Brian McLaren's somewhat controversial "A New Kind of Christian".

When I said that seminaries operate n the modern model,I meant (among other things) that they put theory before practice and that they assume that knowledge (not character, skill, experience, know-how, passion, and so on) is power...

I firmly believe that the top question of the new century and new millennium is not just whether Christianity is rational, credible, and essentially true (all of which I believe it is) but whether it can be powerful, redemptive, authentic, and good, whether it can change lives, demonstrate reconciliation and community, serve as a catalyst for the kingdom.

So what do you think of this "Radical"????? book? These words ring true to my ears.



1 comment:

Liz said...

This rings true in my ears also. If we cannot demonstrate to the world what is in our heart then what good is our Christianity. We have to have passion for and about Christ and walk in it, or we have nothing to give to anyone else. Thanks, Jay.