Thursday, April 26, 2007

The ever recurring "tone of voice"!!!

Not that any of you have this issue but if you do.....I have been of the belief that every man suffers from a "tone of voice" issue. You know that intonation in their voice that communicates " duh are you stupid!?" I have been of this belief since early in our marriage. NOW as the mother of a 16 year old male, I am convinced of it! He has that same intonation whenever I ask a question!

Here is the thing....I was also convinced that no woman lest of all myself would ever have tone of voice issue! It just isn't in our makeup...ALAS...until one of my lovely friends commented the other day ( as we were discussing this issue) that she was pointing out to her husband that she did not like his tone and he replied," have you ever listened to yourself?" it possible? Do we as women suffer from that intonation also? Do we communicate in our tone, " duh are you stupid?"

1 comment:

Debbie said...

This is one of the biggest issues in our marriage. I often get "not so nice looks" because of my tone-of-voice when I reply to my husband on occassions...rare ones I"m sure. Thanks for the reminder so I will hopefully do better.