Thursday, November 29, 2007

Celebrate YOUR Family

The Laffoon's leave tomorrow morning for our Celebrate Your Family event at Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City Michigan. This wonderful experience is a chance for families to get away together, have some fun and laugh, learn and love together.

Our special guest is comedian Joby Saad. Joby is sure to be a hit with family members of all ages!

Celebrate Your Family is only one way to make great family memories. Tell us ways you Celebrate YOUR family!


J & L

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Well it's been a great holiday weekend so far. We had a terrific Thanksgiving day, with the exception of the Lions game of course. The food was scrumptious and I didn't over eat which is a good thing.

The Christmas decorations are now hung in the Laffoon household and yes Laura got in her shopping...BUT the highlight of my weekend took place yesterday when I took Grace to see Disney's "Enchanted". It was fantastic!

Grace and Daddy are not shoppers, so while mom and Torrey scour the mall for deals, we go out for "date" of lunch and a movie. The first time we did this was when she was very small and we went to see "Monsters Inc." she climbed in my lap for that movie. This time it was just her head on my shoulder and her hand in mine.

If you don't like hokey, predictable, feel good movies then don't go. If however you believe love is the most powerful thing on the planet and that dreams do come true, then grab someone you love and get to that'll leave loving them even more.

It isn't often you leave a movie seeing couples arm in arm kissing and laughing, but you will after this one. It isn't often that a movie makes me so happy that I get misty, but this one did. It isn't often that a movie so closely reflects real life, but this movie which is set between childhood fantasy and real adult love, clearly reflects where my 10 year old Gracie is...still a child but equally a blossoming woman...

Gotta go, I don't want Laura to see me "misty eyed"~


Monday, November 19, 2007


I was given 4 tickets to the Michigan State vs. Penn State football game Saturday by a very generous friend. After looking at the weather forecast Laura decided she and Grace would stay home, so I took Torrey and two of his friends. It was a great time, the Spartans put on a second half come back after being down 24 - 7 to win the game.

As I observed the happenings of the day, it occurred to me how unbelievably similar a football game is to Church. The BIG difference I see is the dedication of the worshipers.

We arrived early (very few worshipers arrive late to football games) to find people enjoying the breaking of bread and drinking of varied drink. It seemed as if they actually enjoyed being together...hmmm.

As the appointed hour approached, thousands flocked to the football temple with great anticipation and general glee. As we took our seats it fascinated me to realize that the "regulars" in our section talked as if they were old friends, even though they only see each other a few times each year. They welcomed us with friendly banter and high fives as the kickoff approached.

There were worship leaders on the field of play, and a supporting worship band and singers, even though most of the singing sounded like chants of some sort, it was amazing to see how quickly the 60,000 in the congregation joined in enthusiastically.
I was further amazed as I watched the regulars encourage my son and his friends as they introduced a "new" worship chant. Everyone thought it was that chant which turned the game in MSU's favor...

Anohter astonishing development was how frequently the congregation stood in opposition to the black and white stripped clergy, challenging their interpretation of the "holy book" of rules. Bottom line is they were free to question, without fear of being ridiculed as heretic.

Finally the worshipers shouted in one voice as the climax of the service ended with a buzzer and three zero's registered on the jumbo tron. After the service, many were overheard making plans to go and break more bread together...a real worship service!

Why is it we can get so excited and embrace the celebration of a finely chiseled athlete carrying a dead pig carcass over a chalk line, but we struggle to celebrate Eternal life through Christ.

I'd love to hear your explanation>

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Practice what you Preach

Laura and I tell couples all the time that they need to get away just the two of them on a regular basis. This practice is critical in keeping marriage healthy, and besides once you get past "all the details" ie getting off work, taking care of the kids, it's actually FUN!

So today Laura and I are getting away for a couple of days to go hunting...NO NOT the four legged white tailed kind, but "hunting" none the less.

We're at a friends cabin in the woods, so don't be upset if we don't return your phone call :-)

Just practicing what we preach!



Monday, November 12, 2007

Does he listen?!?!

So the other day Jay and I were having conversation and I used the word "tump" when refering to something being knocked over. "Careful or that will tump over." Jay began to laugh excessively! He just kept repeating "tump? What kind of word is that?"

Tump is in between tip and dump. Sometimes tip is not strong enough and dump is too strong! I grew up in the south and tump was a word I used often. But here is the kicker...I have used it my entire life! Including the last 22 years and 26 days of my married life!

The question begged to be asked,"If you have never heard me say 'tump' then have you been listening at all?1?"


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A new kind of seminary?

I try to read books that stretch my thinking and that I might not always agree is an excerpt from Brian McLaren's somewhat controversial "A New Kind of Christian".

When I said that seminaries operate n the modern model,I meant (among other things) that they put theory before practice and that they assume that knowledge (not character, skill, experience, know-how, passion, and so on) is power...

I firmly believe that the top question of the new century and new millennium is not just whether Christianity is rational, credible, and essentially true (all of which I believe it is) but whether it can be powerful, redemptive, authentic, and good, whether it can change lives, demonstrate reconciliation and community, serve as a catalyst for the kingdom.

So what do you think of this "Radical"????? book? These words ring true to my ears.



Monday, November 05, 2007

Enter Torrey!

Torrey is a great kid. Let us say that right up front. He has for the most part been a joy to parent, given us so many reasons to be proud, and is a respectful and respected young man. He communicates well with his friends and adults alike and even talks to us about issues which many teens stay mute. That being said, he is still a teenager.

From time to time (Ok more and more these days) Torrey will be out at night. He’ll be off to a ball game or Campus Life meetings or Youth Group. While he’s gone, we get Grace to bed and actually have some quality time as a couple. Sometimes talking, sometimes reading, sometimes in front of the TV. Often, we will start to connect in a way that would naturally lead to additional connecting later on in the bedroom.

Enter Torrey. Being good parents, we try to engage him in conversation about his evening activities. More often than not, he can’t wait to spill forth the plot lines that unfolded over his night out. From time to time however, whether he’s tired or irritated at a friend or just not in a talking mood he simply refuses to communicate about his night. Jay usually dismisses it (as a man I guess he understands when another guy just doesn’t feel like talking) I (Laura) on the other hand can get pretty bent out of shape.

I take Torrey’s lack of communication as “a young man with an attitude” or a child who “doesn’t know who butter’s his bread” and quite honestly it can really set me off. My sensitivity (or over-sensitivity according to Jay) is now transferred to my attitude and demeanor. Without knowing it or understanding why, all that connecting with Jay that has occurred suddenly vanishes, along with Jay’s hopes for further connection.

Gotta Go...Torrey's at Campus Life and Jay's looking for a little "connecting time".

Thursday, November 01, 2007

We're meeting with Pastor's and it's SCARY!

Laura and I are going to be in Lansing MI tomorrow for the Church of God General Assembly. Basically we're hanging out with a bunch of pastor's and church leaders from the Church of God (Anderson, IN).

We are going to present our new model for marriage ministry in the church. We are very excited as this model has been birthed out of an article I wrote earlier this summer, entitled. Marriage Ministry in the Church: Do Nothing, Reap Nothing! It has grown out of our concern for the challenges marriages are facing and the unique position the church holds to help couples meet those challenges. To read the article visit our Marriage Champion site.

We are believing God that He is uniquely positioning Celebrate Ministries to Challenge and Equip churches to help marriages beat the challenges they face.

Pray for us...Pastor's can be scary :-)
