Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Practice what you Preach

Laura and I tell couples all the time that they need to get away just the two of them on a regular basis. This practice is critical in keeping marriage healthy, and besides once you get past "all the details" ie getting off work, taking care of the kids, it's actually FUN!

So today Laura and I are getting away for a couple of days to go hunting...NO NOT the four legged white tailed kind, but "hunting" none the less.

We're at a friends cabin in the woods, so don't be upset if we don't return your phone call :-)

Just practicing what we preach!



1 comment:

Debbie said...

I know you won't see this for a couple of days. :) My husband and I have overnights together at least once a month (he is a truck driver) and we try to get away at least a couple of times a year. (one is a Celebrate Your Marriage conference.) Right now we are both really missing this time because around now we take a trip to Gatlinburg, TN and we passed on it this year because we are joining you on your cruise. Anyway, I agree...time away is awesome. (and our kids are grown so that is one less thing we have to worry about when we go)