Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Whew! I am tired!

Jay and I left Sunday for a whirlwind trip to Virginia Beach, VA. We had the privilege to be guests on Living the Life. LTL is a talk show on CBN. We had a great time meeting the ladies, Louise, Terry, and Carolyn of LTL! They are a hoot! We got up at 4 a.m. this morn to head back home- thus the "whew, I am tired!"

We have had a great time traveling around and being guests on some great TV shows! BUT it is always nice to be home. Especially when it is 101 degrees in VA and 75 in MI!

We have more travel to go before the summer is over....Springfield, MO this weekend and the first week in August, we take Grace to a Phoenix. We will be speaking and attending the AMFM conference and Grace will be visiting a friend of her's who moved last year! That will be a blast for her!

Hopefully we will get some quiet time in August before school starts! I really don't even like saying that phrase let alone typing it!

Well, that is all I have for today! My brain is sleeping!

Hope you are having a wonderful summer! Share with us some of your favorite summer memories!


1 comment:

Debbie said...

Well one of my favorite summer memories is always the week we are at church camp. Great friends, beautiful setting and God with no interruptions. Cell phone service is sporadic at best although we do have internet. (although I rarely had time for that). This was a tough year but still worth it all.