Thursday, October 22, 2009

I have "tone of voice" issues!

We came home from five straight days on the road where we presented twelve sessions over those five days...WHEW!

Well the next day we were both tired to say the least and I woke up "with a tone" in my voice. Now, I don't know how it gets there, and honestly I often don't even realize I've acquired it...but Laura has SONAR that picks it up immediately.

So throughout this particular day Laura repeatedly waffled between the following two statements:
"Don't talk to me like that!" and
"Why won't you talk to me?"

Do you see my dilemma? When she first said "Don't talk to me like that!" I obliged, thinking, "Fine, I won't talk to you at all". Which then prompted from her "Why won't you talk to me?" When I did the "tone" prompted "Don't talk to me like that!" and the vicious cycle continued.

While we laugh about it now, it was a TOUGH day to say the least and honestly I thought...SHEESH, we've spent the last five days helping other marriages and then we have a day like THIS?!?

Reality check: You married a HUMAN...Imperfect and fallen. Understand that there will be bad days, sometimes weeks and occasionally months when you and your spouse just don't "Click".

The best way to insure that those bad days don't turn into months is to TALK IT THROUGH...Laura and I do this best on our daily run together, we're so out of breath that we can't yell and we are too tired to bicker.

Maybe for you it's over your morning coffee or right before you go to bed. For us, talking it through is the only way to vanquish the Imperfect Human qualities that creep into our marriage.



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