Thursday, December 03, 2009

A tribute -- Shared with permission

A tribute to our friend Larry Brandon

Larry and I were married 14 1/2 glorious but all too short years.

Larry and I never fought. We didn't always agree, but we never fought about anything. Maybe because we'd both had enough of that in our first marriages, don't know. But we both knew we had something special in our relationship and we never took each other for granted. Saying, "I love you." isn't enough, it's an overused phrase that can apply to anything. I made sure to tell Larry everyday that I loved being married TO HIM. That it was an honor and a privilege to be his wife. That I was so humbled and grateful that God chose me to be his wife. That being Larry Brandon's wife was the best part of being me. And Larry told me and showed me that he cherished me, treasured my love, and wanted to make all of my dreams come true. He called me several times each day just to tell me he was thinking of me, and when I answered the phone he would make growly, goofy sounds meant just for me.

I spent the last year caring for him and searching for a cure for his cancer. I don't understand why that seems like such a big deal to people. Even the nurses in Germany seemed surprised by it, but isn't that how it's supposed to be? To me, it wasn't enough, because it didn't work. I miss him so much that it takes my breath away sometimes.

There is no - thing that's worth fighting over, not money or kids or time. I would give any of that for just one more hug, one more smile. One more Ultimate Date. When God has given us the gift of someone to love, we should hold that love in our hearts and cherish it every moment. Wrap our arms around that person and hold them close, gaze at them through the eyes of Christ and see them as the gift they truly are. We never know which hug will be the last one. Which night will be the last one. But we will remember which one is the last one - later.

We had fun, we loved well, and we laughed - Even during his last days Larry was making people laugh. I'm still amazed that God chose me to be married to Larry Brandon. I only wish it had been longer.

Marriage is so important. Our marriage had an impact on Larry's brother's marriage and on his sister's marriage.

I'm going to miss our annual trips to Celebrate, but I'll be your best advertising! Larry and I always made sure to have "preventative maintenance" trips every year and Celebrate with a few extra days on the Island was our favorite. Larry and I had a fairy tale marriage, we drove everyone around us crazy. His cousin Sheri told me at his funeral that we used to kind of gross them out because we still acted like high school kids.... it just never wore off.

Keeping a marriage together, even in a Christian home, is so difficult. Thank you for some of the best memories I have with my wonderful, funny, HOT husband!


1 comment:

Chic Cottage Junk said...

Oh, wow, what a wonderful example of a great marriage. Thank you for sharing this with fellow Celebrate on Mackinac Island friends.
