Wednesday, June 25, 2008

He's Officially a SENIOR!

We took Torrey to get his Senior Pictures taken today, marking the first of many "senior" activities we will have the fun of going through this next 12 months. Mom and dad were stressed; what poses will we use? What clothes to wear? Where will we take the outdoor shots? So was Torrey stressed...stress? Heck no he's a senior and the world now revolves around him right?...HA!

For his "formal" shot, he ironed and brought to the studio a dress shirt and tie he wore in his freshman year for basketball games. The big goof didn't realize he'd probably grown since his freshman year...he looked like an absolute geek as he tried to button the collar on a shirt two sizes to small. Two things: 1) we did re-schedule the shoot and 2) he gets his goofy-ness from dad and the air-brain from mom!

It seems like just yesterday...
When the doctor almost dropped him during delivery because his head was so much bigger than his body...
When he and his friend Mark were 5 and decide to shut themselves in our church gym lockers to "hide from mom and dad" scaring us all to death thinking they'd been abducted...
When he was 10 and he and his friend Chris would dress up like army men, sneek around neighborhood houses and scare all the moms half to death...
When he was in Jr. High and learned that guitars were "girl magnets"...
When he got his drivers license the day he turned 16 and became our errand boy! Now, gas prices has him running errands on a BIKE!...
When I caught him watching a DVD of a Pom Pon routine just to appease the girl he likes...wait, THAT WAS JUST YESTERDAY!

Great memories and I'm sure we'll have many more this year...



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