Saturday, October 04, 2008

Busy Saturday


We've had a busy Saturday getting ready for Celebrate Your Marriage at Grand Hotel...994 of our "closets" friends are joining us over the next 3 days...

Tonight is Torrey's Sr. Year Homecoming Dance and in the midst of all his preparations he locked two sets of keys in his car...not to worry, a quick call to AAA Michigan and...crisis averted!

Being his Sr. year, the kids are joining us at Grand this please say an extra prayer for us :-)


J & L


Indian Lake Papa said...

Wow ! Almost a 1,000 guests! We will be there! Be sure to do a good job - mama needs a little fine tuning!! lol we have had 43 years of marital bliss! well almost bliss!

D.H. said...

We were there!

This is the second conference for us, and I realize our 19 year marriage can be even more passionate, loving, and accepting of each other.

One thing we do not do, is pray together.

J mentioned that there is a 1 to 1,100 divorce rate among couples who pray together.

Could you provide background information on that incredible statistic?

Thanks for encouraging and strengthening the 500 marriages.


Jay and Laura said...

That was actually Kevin Leman quoting Dr. John Trent. I'm not sure of the source beyond that...hope that helps!