Monday, October 20, 2008

Finding the Magnificent in the Mundane

Every job or career has its good points and its bad points. Most every job also has its MUNDANE moments. Dictionary dot com defines mundane as: common; ordinary; banal; unimaginative. In my job, TRAVEL is the mundane.

Saturday I spent 9 count them NINE hours in the car driving to two different speaking engagements. My day began at 6am as I made my way to Grace Adventures in Mears, MI to speak for a men's retreat sponsored by Mt. Pleasant Community Church. Driving due west, the sunrise coming up behind me drew out the brilliance of the fall foliage as every new corner and hill brought a refreshing picture of God's was MAGNIFICENT!

On my way back to Alma to pick up Laura for our Ultimate Date Night in Tekonsha, MI that evening, a detour routed me over the Croton/Hardy Dam. While driving over the dam, I was treated to six (6) STUNNING swans. They were gliding gracefully over the still glass like was MAGNIFICENT!

Driving down to Tekonsha I spotted something strange in the air. As we kept our eyes on it we soon discovered it was the Blimp flying through a cloudless sky over the Michigan State University football game...we had seen that blimp from over 20 miles away...MAGNIFICENT!

Coming Home at 10pm at night, a big bright 3/4 waning moon rose over the trees to the east. Laura said it looked like a Milano cookie half dipped in chocolate...we watched it rise in amazement...MAGNIFICENT!

As I climbed into bed after midnight, the effects of an 18 hour day, two shows and nine hours on the road had me weary and sore, but before I drifted to sleep I thanked God that in the midst of the mundane, he revealed the MAGNIFICENT!

Look for the MAGNIFICENT in your job, your spouse or your kids today and be blessed by your Father in Heaven!


1 comment:

Debbie said...

Your blog was great and I am trying to find the magnificent in some days at my job...however I must make the comment that a great (maybe not magnificent if you are from MI) was the score of that Michigan State football game. I can't help it..I'm a Buckeye fan :)