Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Sunday is BAM!

This Sunday is BAM...Bless a Mother day as we all Bless our MOM's for all the ways they have blessed us.

My mom has blessed me with a strong faith in Jesus, a sense of humor and a penchant for the "finer" things in life...

How has your mom blessed you?

1 comment:

fullertribe said...

The biggest blessing my mom gave me was keeping me. She was 17 years old when I was born and it was not a good situation but she knew what she wanted and knew that she was meant to be my mom no matter what and instead of signing adpotion papers she kept me. I am forever Thankful for the love and support that she has given me everyday of my life and for the sacrifices that she made for us to stay together. I'm always proud when people tellme that I look and act just like her because being like her is the best thing anyone could be.