Monday, August 27, 2007

Phoenix PHUNN!

We just arrived home from our Fifth Celebrate Your Marriage event in Phoenix Arizona. Living up to it's reputation we arrived on Thursday to 110 degree heat. By Saturday it had cooled off to a balmy 99! The locals were in Heaven we still thought it felt like...well you get the picture.

Phoenix is always a very fun stop for us as we see old friends and make new. The Arizona Biltmore and Spa is a perfect setting for a romantic getaway and the service is supreme.

Eric and Jennifer Garcia, Co-founders of AMFM (Association of Marriage and Family Ministries) hit the ball out of the park on Saturday morning. Eric and Jennifer are a great couple who really "GET" marriage ministry. Please check out their website and the great resource they provide!

Thor Ramsey is quickly becoming one of our favorite comedian/speakers. Friday night he set the table for a fantastic Ultimate Date Night and Saturday gave the best "ONE MINUTE MARRIAGE SEMINAR" in the midst of his presentation. Thor's take on having a successful marriage? Two ingredients:
1) Talk 2) Sex
Simple, but TRUE...there's your homework~

Have a Blessed Day!


1 comment:

~Pam~ said...

Glad all went well in Arizona!
Praise God!

Hope you are all having a wonderful Labor Day Weekend.
