Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Laura strikes again!

Okay I hope you all are not getting bored with stories of my antics! But here is another!

Last Monday, I took Grace to volleyball and decided to watch and run while she was there. Our new middle school gym has a track around the top so I could run and watch Grace all at the same time.

Well, I was feeling really good, and volleyball was going to last an hour and a half, so I proceeded to walk a lap and run 5 laps. I continued doing this until I reached 65 laps. I looked at the clock and realized I had a little time to cool down so I began walking more laps. Well, I was wondering exactly how many miles 65 laps would be so I asked the assistant principal,who also happened to be up watching the volleyball girls. She informed me that it takes 13 laps around to make 1 mile. Well being the math genius that I am, I started running again. I had set myself a goal of 3 miles. If 13 laps makes one mile, I had ONLY gone 65 laps and needed 4 more to make 69 laps which, in my mind, would make 3 miles!!!!

My math wizardry did not dawn on me until later that evening, watching our 17 year old playing basketball. During the game, I commented to Jay that my legs were really tired and that I was starving! He asked how many miles I had run and I replied, "Only 3. Kari told me that 13 laps make a mile and I went 69 laps." It was when Jay busted out laughing that I re-calculated my numbers! Oh my! I had gone over 5 miles! No wonder I was tired and hungry!

Well, until next time...Laura


Liz said...

Hey Laura,
Just to let you know I think I use the same math system. I was adding up some amounts this morning and I said okay.....$138..... I need to add $30 more....than makes $198 right? Good thing I noticed it should only be $168 before I wrote the check. Must be that tropical sun we all got on the cruise. LOL Thanks for all your great blogs. Its nice to know that we are all in the same boat. Liz Feinauer

~Pam~ said...

Oh Laura, we are so much alike! lol
Bless you!