Saturday, March 01, 2008

We're ready for SPRING!!

I'm not going to complain about the snow, it could be worse...take a look at this picture from upstate New York.

Trust me when I'm saying I am NOT making a political statement when I say...Global Warming???Not THIS WINTER!

I grew up in Petoskey, Michigan and this year we have finally had a winter like I remember growing up. We've had plenty of "snow days" with the kids off school and the blanket of white sure is beautiful. The piles in the parking lot of Grocery stores and Walmart are like mini-mountains.

HOWEVER, I am ready for a change. The sun is shining a little longer each day and the song birds are singing all day long. It has me longing for a change. If there is one thing I really appreciate about Michigan is that we truly have four seasons.

I'm just ready for the NEXT one to start!

How about you?




Anonymous said...
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~Pam~ said...

I am more then ready for spring to start!!! We were blessed with seven more inches of snow last night and a layer of ice!

Take care

Anonymous said...

DO NOT CLICK ON zulkijora

Jay and Laura PLEASE remove intrusive link!!!