Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to school!

Back to school is always a bitter sweet time for me! I love summer and having some fun hangout time with my kids, yet there is a point where I am ready for them to head back to school and for us all to return to a "normal" schedule!

"Back to school" shopping is always a fun day with the kids. Torrey, Grace and I headed to the shops yesterday in search of jeans, shoes, and school supplies. The day made me realize a few things:

1. Grace is growing like a weed! She is now in a bigger shoe size than I am!
2. Torrey is on his way out! He is taking an easy schedule as a senior and did not even need school supplies!!
3. Torrey is more interested in friends than fam! He spent the entire day attached to his phone, except when mom was buying him clothes.
4. Grace is a tweenager! Jewelry and fashion were a must!
5. No matter how old they get, they still fight about who sits in the front seat!
6. A year from now, Torrey will be in college and it will be just Grace and I going shopping!

Celebrate the moment now!

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