Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fatherhood...It really is tougher on the kids!

Springtime with a Senior in the house can only be described in one word...CHAOS! For this anal retentive dad, CHAOS is never welcome. Torrey is moving at the speed of light these days between school, two jobs, varsity golf, youth group, Campus Life, graduation preparations, and oh yes a girlfriend!

There are days that if we see him for 10 minutes we feel fortunate. Ten minutes of actual conversation is like finding GOLD! I was sharing with friends the other day that having an 18 year old in the house brings the full range of emotions from "I can't wait till your out of here!" to "I can't believe he's leaving us already". Part of God's beautiful design, I guess.

So I have a confession. We as parents (especially dad's) need to face up to the fact that we can make life tough on our kids. Expectations that are too high, words spoken without thought, but bottom line? WE are the cause of all their issues!

This picture will give you a clear picture of why our kids don't stand a chance! Remember, Laura is the one with the camera!

Bless your kids today with your own brand of dementia!


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