Monday, February 08, 2010

What men would change about WOMEN!

In our new book He Said She Said we surveyed over 1000 married people on communication. On a whim we added one simple question at the end of the survey. "If you could change one thing about the opposite sex, what would it be?" OVERWHELMINGLY the men said they wished women would stop COMPLAINING!

What's surprising is that most women don't think they complain all that much. Women don't see comments like "This meat is hard to chew" as a complaint, but a man is thinking "At least you have something to eat." This striking difference in men and women was brought to the forefront by the reaction of many to an article written by Lori Gottleib entitled Marry Him! for The Atlantic.

Defending her article in a recent Washington Post interview Gottleib shares.

The majority of single women who responded to a survey I sent out said that getting 80 percent of what they wanted in a mate would be "settling." The majority of single men said finding a woman with 80 percent of what they wanted would be "a catch." For these women, it seemed, "settling" meant not much less than "everything."

It seems from both our survey and Ms. Gottleibs that unless everything is PERFECT women, married or not just aren't going to be happy.

So ladies here's the question: Why can't you just be happy?

Tomorrow we tackle what women would change about men!


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