Monday, April 14, 2008

Keep your man YOUNG!

We had two fantastic Ultimate Date Nights this weekend, one in Detroit and one in Continental Ohio.

Saturday night in Ohio, we were drawing the show to a close, teaching the couples the "flirt" song (The Celebrate Shuffle). During the night I kept noticing an older couple in the back who were totally into the show and EACH OTHER. Now they were really getting my attention as I am watching this elderly couple dance, and while they danced, he kept patting her on her bottom...funny thing was SHE didn't seem to mind! How FUN!

After the show, Laura and I were signing books and the same 82 year old man I'd been watching all night puts his hand on a 31/2 foot high guard rail and HOPS over the railing like a 25 year old gymnast. He exclaimed "I'm 82 and have been happily married to the same woman for 61 years!"

At that moment his wife joined us and I had to ask about her husbands "overly affectionate" pats on her rear. "Oh heavens, I don't's what keeps him young!" At this point I turned to her husband and said "YOU ARE MY HERO!"

I hope I can jump over a crack in the sidewalk when I'm 82 let alone a 31/2 foot railing!

Now, where's Laura...I've got a lot of "butt patting" to make up for!


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