Friday, June 08, 2007

Skinny Rabbits

Laura and I have spent the week speaking at and participating in our first Association of Marriage and Family Ministries National Conference in Charlotte, NC. It's been a great week of connecting with others doing marriage and family ministry as well as seeing some old friends.

John Trent spoke Wednesday night on the subject of "Skinny Rabbits", a term coined in Texas for hunters who spend a lot of time hunting after something which does not provide much meat! His correlation to ministry was excellent, as so often we "chase" after the skinny rabbits of "power, prestige or position" instead of just loving the Lord. What a great reminder for ministry.

It was also a great reminder for Laura and I in our marriage. Often in many marriages we chase after the "Skinny Rabbits" of children, jobs and church work, instead of simply looking at each other saying "I love you" then working on ways to make that real.

So...what's your "Skinny Rabbit"?


Anonymous said...

I understand the concept ... but how are children "skinny rabbits"?

Do you really feel that your children are insignificant!?

Jay and Laura said...

Great comment on children...I should have clarified my statement. We work with many couples who have made their children's lives (taking them to this that and the other event...spending inordinate amounts of time & money on their extra curricular activities) a priority over the marriage. This is how we can make children a "Skinny Rabbit".
I in NO WAY meant that kids are in general a "Skinny Rabbit" just that if we are not careful they can become one.
