Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Oh my word!

Okay, so I am watching TV the other night and really became incensed at how the media portrays marriage! It was a Home Depot commercial that sent me over the edge! Usually a Home Depot commercial makes me want to re-do another room in my house!

Anyway, it is the one, I am sure you have seen it....the daughter is telling the dad that they need a new frig, new cabinets, basically a new kitchen. He seems to agree and then the girl walks into the other room and the mother pays her for suggesting a new kitchen to her husband.... now at first glance it seems rather cute..that is how they reel you in! After seeing it a couple times,it really began to hit me that it was communicating that husbands and wives cannot communicate except thru their children. Something as simple and as huge as re-doing a kitchen is something a husband and wife should be able to discuss.

Now, some of you maybe saying, " Calm down Laura, it is just a commercial!" But here is the thing- if you begin to really watch TV, shows and commercials, you will begin to see how the media is really slapping at marriage.

Take a look and tell me what you see!

1 comment:

~Pam~ said...

Yes Laura, I got the same feeling as you from that commercial!
Take care.