Sunday, June 10, 2007

The "GLAMOUR" of travel~

I LOVE almost every aspect of my job. Speaking at so many venues around the country and meeting so many cool people.

The one aspect of this job that is trying however is TRAVEL. We had a great week speaking at the AMFM confernce in Charlotte, NC. After our final talk we packed up our exhibit and headed for the airport. Little did we know the "JOY" we were about to experience.

We chose to fly out friday night in order to make it to Grace's dance recital with the Academy of performing arts on Saturday afternoon. We dropped off the rental car, and were greeted by enormous lines at the ticketing counter. Upon viewing the departure board behind the counter we saw the word every traveler fears beside their flight number..."Cancelled".

We were informed due to weather delays in Detroit and a HUGE FAA computer failure that we were not going to leave Charlotte that night. Our first thought was how devasted Grace would be if we missed her dance the next day!

We approached the counter for re-booking. As the ticket agent pulled up our new reservation she had a puzzled look on her face and said "Wow, this is odd, you are booked on the 9:22am flight tomorrow. Everyone else from your flight is on the 4pm. Aren't you 'lucky'". I said, "Nope, the Lord knew we NEEDED to be home."

Yes, renting a car for the night and finding a hotel with vacancy (thanks mom!) were a hassle. And yes eating cheese and crackers in our hotel bed for dinner because we couldn't stand one more restaurant wasn't what we had planned for the night, but it all paled in significance to knowing we were blessed by the Lord to get home in time for the dance.

The next morning we arrived at the airport to longer lines and a flight delayed for an hour...BUT we made it back to Alma with an hour to spare and a daughter's hug that made all the hassle worth while...

The Glamour of travel? It doesn't exsist for us...but the beauty of family does!


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