Friday, September 07, 2007

Apples and Oranges

We are a house divided. I am the pudgy, stodgy PC and Laura is the super hip MAC. We actually do own one of each of these confounded contraptions. I (Jay) was tricked into buying the MAC for my bride.

Acclaimed as "superior" machines, our experience has been nothing of the sort. We were told MAC was SOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier to use...HA! This superior machine won't print, won't talk to other computers nicely and within the first year has already been REPLACED because the first one died!

If your life is full of real work then most likely you like me are loyal to the PC. If however your life is like my wife and son's where you spend your days looking at cool digital pictures and creating music on garage band then of course you are an Apple fan.

Bottom line it does take all kinds to make the world go 'round...I'm just glad I have a choice! Apples, Oranges.... GOOOOOOOO BANANAS!


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