Monday, September 17, 2007

She don't look so bad!

I am not usually one to promote Brittany Spears! BUT here is the deal....I did not think she looked so bad on the MTV awards. I mean let's be honest, for a woman who has had two kids, she did not look so bad! That from a woman who has had two kids and I wish I looked a little more like that! Anyhooooooo....yeah she was dressed scantily and sparkly, practically wearing nothing....but I do not understand all the bad press about her looks. I would give my right arm to look that "bad" after two kids!

I am tired of the press presenting an unrealistic view of how a woman should look. Brittany is obviously very comfortable in her own skin. I wish more women would be comfortable in their own skin. We spend way too much time, money and energy worrying about our looks and not enough time on the really important things in life- family, friends, and faith.

Well, that is what I think about it all!

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