Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The continuing saga of a not smart woman

Okay so I went out and bought the game "Are you smarter than a 5th grader". I needed to prove that I could keep up! I failed! MISERABLY!!

Last night, we sat down as a family to play this game. The goal is to win the million dollars by answering 10 questions: 2 from 1st grade, 2 from 2nd and so on through 5th grade. The instructions tell you that the questions are actually taken from grade school curriculum!

So here we go- I was first- I did not make it to 3rd grade! Did you know that there are 13 stripes on the American Flag?!?!?! Did you know that it takes 365 days for the earth to completely circle the sun?!?! I was pretty sure it only took 12 hours! My family got some really good laughs at my expense. That is what I am here for!

So lets see if you can answer the one question that did stump my fam but that I did answer correctly:
Finish this song- "Oh, I went down south to see my Sal singing" WHAT?

Have fun!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I went down south to see my Sal "Singing Polly wolly doodle all the day" (and I didn't look that up either)