Saturday, May 05, 2007

A great day to Mackinac

One of the blessings and curses of our line of work is TRAVEL...Airline delays, rental cars, bad beds and long days away from home & KIDS are usually the harsh reality of travel...

BUT TODAY~ the sun is shining, the KIDS are going with us, and we are heading to one of our favorite desitinations...Mackinac Island! For those of you who have never been, you need to get there at least once. Driving up I-75 on a sunny day is beautiful...taking the Arnold Line Catamaran to the island, seeing Big Mac from the water and aproaching the island knowing you are going to step back in time...what a treat.

We are heading to our first of 5 Celebrate Your Marriage Conferences held at Grand Hotel theis May. Pray for us and the countless couples that will attend.

Safe Travels wherever you go today!

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